Mutual influence
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關於「Mutual influence」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
The Mutual Influence of Therapy Group Members' Hope and ...The current study reexamined mutual influence by testing this relationship in a markedly different sample on two outcome variables, depression and hopelessness.[PDF] Mutual Influence of Users Credibility and News Spreading in Online ...2021年4月25日 · in [65] present a massive data analysis related to COVID-19 on. Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit and Gab. They analyze engagement and ... | Mutual Influence of Reward Anticipation and Emotion on Brain ...2017年10月25日 · Previous studies on the joint effect of reward motivation and emotion on memory retrieval have obtained inconsistent results.Mutual Influence of Reward Anticipation and Emotion on ... - NCBI2017年10月25日 · The ERP results showed that there were significant interactions between monetary reward and emotion on memory retrieval, and the reward effects ...Emotion and Culture: Empirical Studies of Mutual InfluenceThis APA book examines the mounting evidence that emotions are not discrete 'hardwired' biological events, but are influenced and shaped through social, ... tw(PDF) The Mutual Influence of Therapy Group Members' Hope and ...2021年5月9日 · The current study reexamined mutual influence by testing this relationship in a markedly different sample on two outcome variables, depression ...Mutual influence of pH and temperature on the swelling of ionizable ...1992年9月1日 · Mutual influence of pH and temperature on the swelling of ionizable and ... Basil Danylec, Yuanzhong Yang, Kei Saito, Milton T.W. Hearn.Mutual influence between emotional language and inhibitory control ...2020年12月5日 · However, the reverse effects, namely, how cognitive inhibition influences the processing of emotional stimuli, have been considerably neglected. twLocal Religious Beliefs and Mutual Fund Risk-Taking BehaviorsOverall, our results suggest that local religious beliefs have significant influences on mutual fund behaviors. Key words : risk-taking; mutual funds; ...The Verbal Communication of Emotions: Interdisciplinary PerspectivesAffect and cognition. ... Clore, G. L., Ortony, A., & Foss, M. A. (1987). ... Emotion and culture: Empirical studies of mutual influence.
- 1互相影响的英文翻译- 词典 - 英语人
第三章:苏门诸公互相唱和是他们在创作上进行联系的主要方式之一,由此而互相影响。 Contradictoriness within a thing is the fundamental cause...
- 2互相影響英文 - 查查在線詞典
互相影響英文翻譯: interact…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋互相影響英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯互相影響,互相影響的英語例句用法和解釋。
- 3相互影响-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Context Reverso
使用Reverso Context: 互相影响,在中文-英语情境中翻译"相互影响"
- 4互相影響的英文怎麼說
互相影響的英文怎麼說. 中文拼音[hùxiāngyǐngxiǎng]. 互相影響英文. interact. 互: 代詞(相互;彼此) each other; mutual; 相: 相Ⅰ名詞1 (...
- 5互相影响-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Context Reverso
使用Reverso Context: 相互影响,在中文-英语情境中翻译"互相影响"